Dad's on the run is a Blog web page that is for the dad with children that love to run. Each week Dadsontherun will post a blog that relates to and for the busy dad that just wants to get out and run, but it is sometimes impossible because of their fatherly duties.
Brent is a father of three: 2 girls and 1 boy. He is an adventure racer and ultra marathoner. Each week it gets harder to come up with inventive ways to get out there and hit the trails to run. Brent will come from the running aspect and what it takes to train for ultra marathons(31 miles or more) and spartan racing while juggling three children that are active and young.
Stephen is also a father of three; three boys. Stephen will tell him his perspectives all the things he does to make sure he stays active in the rucking/running/swimming communities. Stephen will help with explaining what a ruck is and how to stay active in his life as well.
Both author's of dadsontherun are also educators. Some of their blogs will consist of what it takes to be up and ready for work even after/during/before a race or a long run weekend. They will come together to give their personal opinions on some of the equipment they use and where to get it the cheapest.
We encourage everyone to get out there and run...regardless of their parental situation...running helps the happy. (And Beer...beer helps too)