New Year’s resolutions. Most of us hate them, just about everyone makes one and then after a few days they have already stopped following it. The normal one, “I’m going to go to the gym every day and get health,” yeah that works for about 3 days and then your realize you have life to contend with. The really difficult one, “I’m going to run 1000 miles in one year,” I have seen this one done, but damn you have to be super motivated and need to make sure you’re getting in your miles each day. I started to think about my own Goals and Resolutions for 2018. Yes, they shouldn’t be proper names, but we as a culture put so much emphasis on them that they become these entities that hang around until they are lost or underachieved.
A good friend of mine shared his goal from 2017 and how he was able to run 1,000 miles. I was impressed and extremely proud of the word he had to put in to be able to do that. Then, directly after I started to think if realistically I would be able to do that. I put myself in his shoes, he is also a father of two (he reads these blogs) a real go getter…the comparison of the kids is out, two vs three is not that big of a difference, but the motivation part is the part that gets me.
I started to think, if I just would get myself up at 4 and run each morning I would get back into my running shape I was, like 6 years ago. That goes south real quickly; my bed is too comfy, the house is to cold, I’m just a little bit sleepy still. So then, I decide weekends! Weekends worked with two kids and when life could move at a slower pace. Weekends just get very jam-packed with events and finding things to do with the kids. Ah! Some weekends I just feel like a dad driving around the kids and drinking coffee, that’s my entire day.
Back to goals and resolutions. The discussion yesterday about the 1,000 miles got me thinking. What are my goals for 2018? I know, I know its 12/23/17…we still have 7 or 8 days until the big New Year’s parties or deciding on our resolutions, but why wait? Goals/resolutions shouldn’t be drunkin’ conversations that you have in passing. Really think about them! These should be something that is actually obtainable, feasible in the eyes of the self-motivation you have. When we create these goals on the spot we are thinking about goals that could possibly be done for a few weeks, then it’s over. Take today, or tomorrow, or the next day and REALLY think…what do I want for myself for the next year? I had a sit down with myself and my coffee and started to think, if 1000 miles is not feasible for me due to time, what could be?
Goals for myself
Goal: My goal for 2018 is easy, find time for myself at least 4 times a week to get out and run. GET OUT and run! That does not mean treadmill (dreadmill) unless it is not possible to get out and run. I’m going with this goal because there’s not cap in days and I didn’t put a mileage at the end of the year to disappointment myself. I am an ultra-marathoner, so I imagine if I’m taking the time to run then it’s going to be far, if I hit that 1,000 miles then awesome, if I don’t, then that’s ok too. Along with this goal, I want to run at least 6 50k’s and at least two 50 milers. I have a lot of littler races around as well, but the longer the distance the most fun it is.
Resolution: This is harder to obtain because it’s a finite type of resolution. I want to change the way I eat. Runners need carbs (longer distance more carbs), balanced with protein. I am going to shoot to get most of my carbs from fruits and veggies and eating less meat. Not totally any one type of diet, but eating more whole veggies, less meat and complex carbs. My hope is that eating more veggie and less meat will help with my random ass panic attacks and give me more motivation to want to run and be up early.
These together will account for a healthier 2018. It is my hope that when you read this it will give you some motivation to start thinking about what you want for yourself for this upcoming year. Biggest take away, don’t just come up with one on the spot. Create something that is going to work for you and your schedule. Having kids and two different working schedules with my wife makes it hard, but even though it’s hard, that doesn’t mean you need to give up.
If you think of good ones that you really WANT to keep leave a comment below to share!