I have decided to journal the way the training is going so far. Each week I plan to post the happenings in the training, what seems to be working, the mileage I have completed, and what needs to be tweaked. I started the training plan on Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. The plan has me running low mileage and working into something longer for one of my runs. I have to say this method pulled me in because I was able to slowly bring my mileage up throughout the weeks leading up to my next big event.
I started my day with my children waking up at the crack of dawn. The weekends are sacred time to me, so it’s hard to bite the bullet and let them stay awake with me. Saturday, I had an idea. Why not get them to do a warmup run with me first thing in the morning, then I can go for my run after. I assumed my son and middle daughter would come with me, but it was just her. She ran with me for the entire mile. I had the feeling she liked it because it was just her and I. I was impressed with how fast she could run and how much of the running knowledge she soaked in. We did one mile around the block and focused on running as long as she could. I loved it!
After we got back she was huffing and puffing, we got a quick drink and I took them to the dreadmill in the basement. Now, I want to preface with, I hate the treadmill, but there is a time and place for it. Like when your wife gets home at 3 in the morning and you want to let her sleep in. I put on the powerpuff girls and ran my first leg of the training; 4 miles. I can’t say my legs thanked me for this, but it had to be done.
Sunday, another rainy ass day. The kids were up again at the crack of dawn. I thought my daughter would at least be tired and not want to run. Turns out, she was ready and in her running clothes before I was even up. Today, I talked to her about possibly getting new shoes for running if she wants to keep up with it. I started thinking about the program Girls on The Run. I wanted her to be a part of it. I was excited for this opportunity. So, we ran father and faster this time. She was excited when we got done, she really wanted those shoes! I contacted her Mimi and she ordered them right away. This was her second day, 1.3 miles, she deserved a nice pair of running shoes.
I finished my running day by getting on the road for 7 miles. It actually felt good to not be on a trail, but again my feet hurt. I did not bring food with me nor water, I just wanted to go without distraction and go far.
Added 10/12/18
It has been hard getting back into the swing of things for running. I didn’t think the broken ribs would affect me as much as they did. For the last three weeks I have only been able to log maybe 20 miles for a week, and usually that’s a bit on the shorter side. I have started going back to the gym and now that I have this need/want to go, I have been really pushing myself.
With the 50miler in the distance I can see it being a bigger problem than I thought.
