Ultra-Racing…Now what?

You just ran your hardest race of your life…what comes next? This is often the thought you have two, maybe three days after you have just destroyed your legs, felt like your chest is going to not catch enough breath, or maybe you fell/cut yourself open during the run. This thought will always be the one that gets you in the most trouble…If I could handle this, what else can I do?
This question started one day after my first ½ marathon. Could I go farther? The question stirred in my mind for three years before I REALLY acted on it. I started to get faster, I started to go for longer runs for practice and really enjoy my time on the trail or the road. I was hyper focused on the idea of winning a ½ marathon that was around the block from me, I trained relentlessly for it until the day came and I received 3rd place for my efforts. To be honest, I was extremely excited, 3rd place for running…I’ve never been a real runner. Many people would think, ok I got third, I can train harder and get 2nd or 1st. My mind went back to the question that was always itching in the back of my mind. If I can get third in a half, then I can probably work my way up to the podium for a full…but where’s the fun in that. I wanted to run farther, I wanted the clarity I felt when running the long distance on the trails. I needed just a little bit more of that feeling. After my third place finish, I went to the pool to watch my kids practice swimming, pulled out my phone, and signed up for my first 50k. I had two parameters I was looking for: close to one of my relatives’ homes and on the trail. I found ultrasignup.com and located the Dirty German endurance festival in Philly. I could drive to the event in 20 minutes and it was full trail. My first race was set, but I needed something sooner.
The week following the half I signed up for the TRAP pond trail 50k. It was like that itch I needed to scratch, I needed to scratch it quicker than the Dirty German would allow, also, I wanted to see if this was something I was even able to accomplish. I learned a lot about myself and my breaking point during that race; ultra-trail racing isn’t really about your training your body as it is training your mind. I remember being in pure hell at one point and wanting to just pull off the trail and sleep or die, whichever came first. I finished the race with what I thought was a terrible time and limped to the car and slept.
Like I have previously stated, after two days I realized what I had truly done, how many miles I had just run/hiked, and marveled at what I was actually able to finish. The itch had been scratched for now, but I knew relief would come when I ran the Dirty German. I knew how to train better, I knew what I needed to do. I loved the feeling of an ultra, this was my new stress relief/ drug.
I have since completed 12 ultras, 2 marathons, 4 half marathons. The last four years have been awesome. People think I a bit crazy, but that’s okay…it gives me something to talk about it. I am more stress free than I have ever been and I feel like my mind is something to trust. I didn’t just get here by mistake, it wasn’t a moment of clarity “hey I need to be running longer distance.” I tried it, it worked, I love it now. I have pushed myself to it’s limits, I have cried in pain and in joy. Through it all, I have continued to push myself. I have now signed up for my first 50miler. After winning two ultra’s and a full trail marathon, I need more. Let’s see what the future of my trail ultra holds.
Yeah? What about Spartan Ultras?

You are probably wondering “what should I do after a Spartan Ultra?” I know the feeling. I have completed three Spartan Ultra Beasts (I will affectionately give it that name still), two in NJ and one in Vermont. To this day, I want to go back and spend the day on the mountain in Vermont, it was a great experience, and it was literally uphill for 12 hours. I was probably one of the greatest accomplishments of my running career.

I never thought I would be ready for that race. I did a lot of time on my feet, time in the gym, and rucking heavy weights on my long runs. My favorite workout was rucking 5 miles, throwing spears, doing pull-ups on trees, and crawling through dirt…then 5 more miles, so on and so forth. I would do that until I couldn’t. Truth be told, I knew the challenge I would be facing up until race morning. I got into the corral to run, kissed my baby, cried because of how excited and nervous I was and started running. The first loop took 5 and a half hours, I saw my middle daughter who screamed for me and ran up and hugged me with such force I fell on the ground and started crying again. They stayed with me through my transition and kissed me goodbye for the second loop. The second loop was fun, I knew what was coming and how to go by it. I had PLENTY of time…I met friends and talked for hours to people I might never see again. I destroyed every obstacle, even the memory test and the cold mountain swims. As I was rounding my final turn to come I saw my family and the spear throw. The final obstacle, nail this and finish, miss it and do burpee’s. I had done everything perfect for the race including the dreaded spear throw. It was my perfect race. (full race details in another blog about Killington) It was challenging, it was incredible, I loved every second of it, and still look fondly on the day. Killington will forever be the hardest Spartan race I have ever done.
After I completed Killington Ultra Beast, I was content for a long period of time. It was the hardest I have ever done, the most rewarding too. If I had one wish, it would be to go back and do it again, put myself through that hell, one more time…just to say I could. If you think you are ready and you are itching for the biggest challenge a Spartan can get? Sign up for Killington…it is the pinnacle of Spartan racing to me…Badasses are born there, but for me the seeds of clarity and love of ultra-racing were sowed and watered there. Arooo Spartan…go get it!